If you assert and I assert, if you stick to your opinion, to your dogma, to your knowledge, and I stick to mine, then there can be no real discussion, because neither of us is free to inquire.
Jidu Krishnamurti
We believe that collaborative creation is multiplication.
We as a youth organisation always strive to be better...better than what we are today.
Collaborative creation enables humans to come together to create the impossible. Just like any team sport cannot be won by one skillful player, we cannot create a more conscious and responsible planet alone. It is the collaborative efforts that determine the end score line (in the game of football) or the satisfaction of living (in the game of life).
By living this value we would like to translate what it means to us as an organisation and what we stand by.
We are open to collaboration with everyone without bias of any sort.
We proactively, consciously and responsibly seek to get different people/organisations together to create a better world.
We look forward to being environment and resource conscious, which means collaborating with the environment.
If you would like to volunteer with us OR want us to organise a camp in your school/college OR you would like to collaborate with us as an organisation or educator, we would love to hear from you! Please click on the links above or reach us at careers@karunachal.org